About Hui-Ling
Hui-Ling has always been passionate about helping people tap into their true healers within. She was born and raised in Taiwan, and now lives in Lititz, Pennsylvania with her family. In 1994 while in her late 20s, Hui-Ling was guided to come to the United States to pursue her higher education, and right away she was drawn to Spirituality and has been consciously walking on her Spiritual journey ever since.
From the late 90s and early 2000s, Hui-Ling has learned the arts of Qi Gong, Taiji, Reiki, NLP, various healing modalities in Massage Therapy, and the Native American way of life. When her daughter was born in 2005, Hui-Ling's focus in life shifted from helping others to heal to teaching Chinese culture and language so she could consciously create a Chinese environment and pass down her culture and heritage to her daughter.
"Healthy Living is not about a special diet or exercise program. It's all about life."
Hui-Ling Tseng Singer

BodyAwake® Yoga
Hui-Ling never dreamed of becoming a yoga teacher. She bought Dr. Sue Morter’s BodyAwake yoga DVD as a Christmas gift for herself in 2018 because she could feel her body and her health suffering. Hui-Ling started out with only the 20 minutes easy flow yoga routine daily. Immediately she felt a positive shift in her body that she had never felt before in any other yoga classes.
Energy Codes® Coaching
Certified Energy Codes Facilitators coach, consult and teach the principles and self-administered practices of The Energy Codes® which ignites the Essential Self to engage and fulfill your greater life purpose as a creator. As a by-product of accessing and revealing this deep truth, people become empowered and they heal.
Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.), developed by Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr.,is a system of health care that is state of the art in balancing body, mind, memory and spirit energy fields, and enhancing the flow of that energy throughout the entire system. It is a whole-body healing technique which is non-forceful and very natural. B.E.S.T. honors the innate wisdom of the true healers within each and every one of us.
Thank you for introducing me to Dr. Sue Morter's Energy Codes! It's been Godsend as far as back and neck issues.
Energy Codes introduced me to benefit, beyond what Yoga has offered over the years, of contractions in relieving neck and back issues. Practicing central channel breathing in bed resulted in release of tightness experienced upon getting up.
I participated in the online book study of the "Energy Codes" that Hui Ling facilitated.
Hui Ling is very inspired, knowledgeable, and personally committed to helping you get
the most out of it.
It helped me to stay on track, ask questions, share with the other people in the group and get a deeper understanding of the information and practices. Also, fun. A very valuable experience.
I just want to whole heartedly recommend Hui Ling as an Energy Codes Coach. We worked together for only six weeks and the amount of transformation which I experienced surpassed any idea/notion of what I thought was possible. I attribute my success to her wonderful, loving presence as well as her passion for assisting individuals to live an empowered, authentic, Soul fulfilling life. Her wisdom combined with her experience of the Energy Codes work combined with her natural nurturing and loving way, creates the perfect space for transformation.
Cyndi Ambriz
I have really enjoyed working with you in the past weeks. I loved every session of our meetings, and I learned to appreciate my life. The Energy Codes coaching program helped me to overcome and improve my decisions making. Thank you for the Energy Codes book; it's a nice book. I am still reading it, and I continue to learn from it. Before being exposed to the Energy Codes, I did not know much about being a spiritual being, an energy being, or have the intention to be in relationships. I learned to forgive.
Hassan Omey
If you want a deeper understanding or need clarity on certain concepts in Dr. Sue Morter’s book, “The Energy Codes”, I would recommend taking Hui-Ling’s book club study. Hui-Ling’s expertise, in-depth knowledge and her practice of the Energy Codes helped me to more fully grasp the breathing techniques, circuitry- building, and the meaning of manifestation into the body. Hui-Ling highlights the critical points in each chapter, allows time for questions and discussion. I feel I am more equipped to live on the Front-Side of the model in my daily life since taking her course and I have a resource to go to when I have a burning question that I need answered.
Hui-Ling is passionate about her work. She is very sensitive and tuned into the body, and knows how to create a sacred space for healing. As a client, I am engaged during the healing session and in the healing process. I have appreciated her breathing and movement exercises. Hui-Ling allows for plenty of time for questions, as she loves to share her wisdom and experience. Thank you for your gentle, passionate and patient heart and work!
It has helped me be more aware of my body and to quickly defuse an emotional issue by coming into my body.
Sandy Yeager
Hui-Ling is thorough in her explanation of B.E.S.T. and guides you through the process. She used this process to help me unblock an area, as I was having allergic reactions to my cat, which cleared.